WELCOME to our Family Preparedness Blog!

Here you can obtain the information that we discuss in our monthly meetings, run it off for your notebooks
and have the information that you need to get and be prepared.

Check back often. Our blog
will regularly provide new subjects and information in our posts.



______ 1.  Place operational flashlights or battery-operated lights in each room of home.
______ 2. Determine the location of and how to shut-off the main water valve for your home
______ 3. Attach required tool to water shut-off valve.
______ 4. Determine the location of the main gas valve.
______ 5. Learn how to shut off the main gas valve.
______ 6. Attach required tool to gas shut-off valve.
______ 7. Learn how to safely restart the furnace.
______ 8. Install functional smoke alarms in the proper places to warn of fire.       
                     (check batteries each General Conference time.)
______ 9. Obtain a fire extinguisher and place in an accessible location near garage & kitchen
______ 10. Gather copies of important information and documents and store them in a fire-safe
                   location ready for evacuation.                 
______11. Store duplicate keys and copies of important documents and insurance papers in     
                   safe location outside of home.
______12. Obtain a functional emergency radio.
______13. Identify a local meeting place in the event of an evacuation.